Medical Translations: Translators who translate into a foreign language in which they are not rooted, for example, medicine, can not perform efficient translations in such an area of expertise. Medical translation require the translator’s expertise in this field of study , familiarity with medical terminology and empirical knowledge. Drug package insert , instruction booklets for medical equipment , medical books and articles , medical reports and rapport, clinical and laboratory findings include here to the aforementioned translations that require specialization of the translator , and thus these will not follow the standard tariff, but a special tariff will be charged. As AyBul translation bureau we have an experienced team that handles your medical translations quickly.
Ai??Judicial translations : Especially in the Turkish judiciary system, there are a large number of loanwords of arabic Ai??and persian origin. For this reason, Ai??serious faux pas can occur in translations if interpreters have no satisfactory knowledge. Therefore it is very important Ai??to handle the translation of judiciary cases, in which foreign tourists are involved in tourist areas quite often, with an expertai??i??s advice, and further, to deploy Ai??lawyers for translations, which will help let them decide judicial proceedings and litigation in favor of the person concerned. Translations of laws and regulations, statements and defence in court, written translations of legal agreements and contracts, acquisitions and foreign trademark and patent applications in the area of ai??i??ai??i??documentation are judicial translations, for which we as Aybul translation dispose of wide experience and good knowledge.
Ai??Certified translations : With a wide variety of translators connected to us, we offer certified translation services which are partly obligatory by officials and by law. Business correspondence, annual reports of Ai??banks and financial sector, quality certifications, trademark and registration documents, land records, diplomas and training certificates, driver’s license, certificate of residency, birth certificates, mortgages as well as official documents
such as marriage certificates are subject to a notarial confirmation after having been translated by an officially accredited and sworn translater. Only through this kind of translation foreign documents are officially recognized. Here the Aybul translation agency is also available for this type of translation with its experienced team.
Technical translations : Special translations require a specialist on the respective field so that it does not come to difficulties through mistranslation. Translations , where a high level of technical knowledge is demanded and attention to detail, Ai??are estimated with a certain -price tariff. Here, the calculation can not be done with the standard price based on the number of word units, but it requires a specific price calculation. Such kind of translations always will be double-checked by by a second expert translator and delivered to the Ai??customer only after its control.
Translation of printed goods: If a text has to be read by a non-native spreakers, a standard translation is sufficient. In such cases, spelling mistakes or typing errors can be tolerated if this text is not taken out of context. However, if the texts to be translated are processed as print text or printed on a product or commodity, a much larger amount has to be spent for Ai??these printing services as for the translation itself. These texts are therefore very sensitive, because they are read by a large audience. Therefore this kind of orders require a very strict control and care when preparing for the print, so that the final product is error-free. As Aybul translation agency we offer flawless translations in the field of printed goods.
Simultaneous Translation: We as Aybul translation agency provide you and your guests any assistance in form of simultaneous translation in any language and in any special event, such as seminars, conferences, business meetings, etc. Especially your foreign guests for short – or long-term visits and tours in and around Antalya will benefit from this service provided by a multilingual team. We also offer assistance to foreign investors on the acquisition of property such as houses or ground by Ai??translation services at their broker visits and assistance in the purchase process.